Hindi Department
View SyllabusThe Department of Hindi at the University of Bombay is a relatively young department that was established in June 1955. It was introduced as a compulsory language course under the three language formula. Some staff members, including Europeans, made personal efforts to learn the national language. The Hindi section of the College magazine was introduced in 1952-53.
Dr. Swaminath Sharma, the first lecturer in Hindi and the inaugural Head of the Department (1955-1974), was a knowledgeable and humble man of integrity. He has authored internationally acclaimed books. The University of Bombay awarded him two doctorates: Ph.D. (without a guide) and D. Litt. (the second person to receive this honor in the century-long history of the Bombay University). Mr. Tiwari and Mr. Vyas assisted him between 1956 and 1962, with Mr. Vyas leaving the College in 1962 and Mr. Verma departing in 1965.
In 1974, Prof. Shreekant Kotak, who had joined the Department in 1962, took over as the Head of the Hindi Department upon Dr. Sharma's retirement. Prof. Kotak, a teacher since 1957, is a multi-talented individual who writes novels, short stories, poems, plays, criticism, essays, and articles in Hindi, Gujarati, English, and Urdu. The Department was also managed by Mrs. Manjula Desai (appointed in 1974) and Dr. Usha Kirti Ranawat (appointed in 1977). Dr. Usha Kirti Ranawat, a dynamic and research-oriented individual, served as a renowned personality and Ph.D. guide in Mumbai University until her retirement in June 2015. She supervised the completion of Ph.D. dissertations for six students.
2.A brief introduction about Hindi subject and its significance :
The Wilson College Department of Hindi is a recognized Ph.D. center where many students pursue their doctorate under the guidance of Dr. Satyawati Chaubey, who is a recognized Ph.D. supervisor. The department conducts national and international seminars, webinars, and conferences on various topics. Additionally, it organizes intercollegiate student webinars to foster interest in research and workshops on voice modulation, translation in Hindi, drug addiction, leadership qualities, and more. The department aims to enhance students' proficiency in Hindi language and literature, focusing on developing their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as creative writing. The department assesses students' prior knowledge and utilizes interactive teaching methods during lectures.
Teaching methods used to make lectures interactive are :
⮚Through enactment.
⮚Dialogue writing of student’s favorite stories or any other relevant matter.
⮚ Role Play of different character during reading.
⮚ Poetry through Dramatization.
⮚ Exchange the role of Teacher & Student
⮚ Through Questionnaire Method
⮚ Katha-Kathan
⮚ Verbal Interchange of ideas related to the chapter, Editorial Column
⮚ Documentary and Film Screening on syllabus related topics
⮚ Through assignment of Film Critics, Story Critics writing, Notice writing.
⮚ Conducting group activities to generate team work among the students.
⮚ Through real life stories to enhance their understanding about social issues.
⮚ Knowledge about Authors
⮚ Using Audio-Visual Aids
The Department of Hindi has some unique features like Remedial classes, Guest lectures, Saral Hindi certificate courses, individual & peer mentoring etc. Some special facilities for learners in the department include a Departmental Library with over 250 reference books and Muktangan, which showcases the literary talent of students.
Career Options in Hindi :
1. In the Government Sector :-
• Administrative Officers :- IAS, IPS, PCS, RAS etc.
• In all the Ministries of Central Government :- Public Relations Officer, Official Language
Officer, Official Language Assistant, Translator, D.T.P. operator.
• In Government Undertakings :- Official Language Officer, Official Language Assistant,
(Bank, Insurance, Petroleum etc.) Translator, D. T. P. Operator.
2. In The Field of Journalism :-
• Print Medium :- Editor, News Editor, Assistant Editor, Chief Deputy Editor, Deputy Editor,
Bureau Chief, Chief Correspondent, Correspondent (Reporter), D.T.P. operator.
• Electronic Media :- Editor, News Editor, Anchor, Script Writer, Bureau Chief, Chief Reporter,
Correspondent (Reporter).
• Radio and FM. Channel :- Director, News Reader, Announcer, Radio Jockey, Script
Writer, Bureau Chief, Correspondent (Reporter), Interlocutor
3. In the field of Film and TV Serial Production: - Screenplay Writer (Script Writer),
Dialogue Writer, Lyricist, D.T.P. Operator.
4. In the field of Advertising :- Script Writer, Dialogue Writer, Slogan Writer, D.T.P. operator.
5. In the field of Education :- Teacher, Lecturer, Professor in College & University Level,
Curriculum Developer etc.
6. In the field of Tourism :- Guide, interpreter, translator etc.
7. In Publication Centers :- Translator, Proof Reader, D.T.P. Operator.
8. Event Management and Public Relations : - Event Manager, Public Relations Officer
9. Independently :- Poetry Writing, Talk, Story, Song-Ghazal for Radio and Newspapers
Freelance writing and columns for various newspapers and magazines
writing. Apart from this personally Story Writer, Novelist,
Satirist, Lyricist, Translator, D.T.P. Operator etc.
10. International level :- Subject Experts, Guides, Interpreters, Translators, Teachers.
Apart from this, there are many other areas where there is a huge demand for Hindi professionals. Apart from the above mentioned areas, students of Hindi can make career in many other areas as well.
3.Department Email Address : hindi@wilsoncollege.edu
The Department of Hindi conducts various syllabus based activities such as ‘Sahitya Kala Mahotsav’, many literary activities like Poster Exhibition, Group Discussion, Debate, Street play, Speech Competition, Essay Writing, Self Written Poetry Competition, Poetry Recitation Competition, Quiz Competition, Extempore Competition, Elocution, Film Screening, Rap Song Competition, Intercollegiate Folk Song Competition, Man Ki Baat, Shabd Bhandar, Atma Parichay Competition, Story Telling Competition, etc.
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Dr. Satyavati ChaubeyHead of Department Short Biography | ●Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Hindi (Ph.D. Guide) |
Testimonies of some of our Alumni:
1)Ms. Ojaswini Badhwar
I have studied under Dr. Satya Ma'am for one year and it will be wrong of me if not say that she is one of the most talented, calm and generous people I have met in Wilson college. Not only was she a Hindi teacher to me but also a great motivator, it is because of her that I was active in my co-curricular activities. Under her guidance I have done anchoring for many programs in college as well as participated in debate plus extempores which indeed boosted my confidence. She is a great Mentor and teacher. Any student under her guidance will definitely flourish in their Academic field.
2)Ms. Neha Saxena
Had a great learning experience under the guidance of Satya Ma’am. In our entire college period the association with Hindi Department was the most special one. We sang, recited poems, conducted programmes all under their guidance. Will forever be indebted to her for her love and guidance.
3)Ms. Ansa Antony
Online mode of education can be tough for practical subjects. But for a language subject like Hindi as long as there is two way communication we can learn beyond the syllabus. Learning Hindi again after a gap would have been difficult if it wasn't for the teacher who took her time out to teach us from basics. Despite weak spoken and written skills in Hindi the teacher encouraged us to speak, to organize and anchor international programs. The concepts and ideas were free flowing in class. Overall a platform without any judgments helped me in learning the essence of the language.
4)Ms. Antara Mehrotra
भारतीय संविधान के अनुसार हिंदी हमारी राजभाषा है जो हमारी प्राचीन भाषा संस्कृत की वंशावली है परन्तु इसका आधुनिक रूप अरबी, फारसी, तुर्की, पुर्तगाली और अंग्रेजी भाषा से प्रभावित है। आज के हम युवा प्रायः हिंदी भाषा से दूर हो गए हैं और एक प्रकार से मातृभाषा अपनी पहचान ढूँढ रही है। सभी अभिभावक अपने बच्चों को अंग्रेजी माध्यम से शिक्षा दिलाना चाहते हैं इस स्थिति में हिंदी हमारे पाठ्यक्रम का एक विषय मात्र बन गई है। CBSE हो या ISC हिंदी एक वैकप्लिक विषय है इन सब परिस्थियों में हम छात्रों को स्नातक कक्षाएँ करने के साथ साथ हिंदी विषय एक वर्ष तक अनिवार्य था। हम शायद बहुत उत्साहित नहीं थे, मगर कक्षाएँ करने के लिए उपस्थित होते थे। धीरे-धीरे हमको हिंदी-विभाग की मुख्य अध्यापिका श्रीमती सत्यवती चौबे के स्नेह ने हमें बरबस अपनी और खींच लिया और उनके पर्यवेक्षण में विभिन्न क्रिया-कलाप जैसे कविता, कहानी, संगोष्ठी, वक्ताओं के विचार सुनना इत्यादि के द्वारा हम छात्र हिंदी विषय से प्रेम करने लगे और हिंदी-विभाग हमारा मनपसंद विभाग बन गया।
5)Mr. Vickey Darji
नमस्ते मैं विकी दर्जी,
मैं आप सबसे आज कुछ बातें और उनसे जुड़ी यादें शेयर करना चाहूंगा। कॉलेज में हर छात्र के अलग अलग प्रिय विषय होते हैं, वैसे ही मेरे लिए सारे विषय प्रिय थे, उनमें से एक हैं हिंदी। इस विषय की तो बात ही निराली हैं, मुझे पढ़ने में भी अत्यंत आनंद आता था, इसका श्रेय मेरे हिंदी के टीचर को जाता हैं जो बड़ी ही सरलता से और विस्तार में हर कविता, कहानी, उपन्यास को सिखाती थीं, जिससे उन सबका सार आसानी से समझ में आ जाता था और परीक्षा में भी किसी तरह की कठिनाई नहीं होती थी। यह हिंदी विषय ऐसा है जो हमें जीवन की वास्तविकता से जोड़ता हैं, हमें जो ऐतिहासिक पल की याद दिलाता है जैसे कि देश की आजादी के लिए किया हुआ संघर्ष इत्यादि। मुझे कभी भी हिंदी पढ़ने में ऊबन महसूस नहीं हुआ क्योंकि हर कहानी और कविता के जरिए मैडम हमें जीवन से जुड़ी कुछ न कुछ सीख जरूर देती थीं जिससे पढ़ने का आनंद और दुगुना हो जाता था। इसके अलावा हिंदी विभाग की ओर से आयोजित विविध कार्यक्रम में भाग लेने का अवसर प्राप्त हुआ, जहां हिंदी साहित्य जगत से जुड़े बड़े-बड़े लोगों से मिलने का अवसर मिला और उनकी बातों से हिंदी विषय के बारे में जानना का बड़ा अच्छा लगता था। सबसे खास बात कि अपनी प्रतिभा को सबके सामने पेश करने का मौका अनेक बार मिला। मैं अपने टीचर्स और हिंदी विभाग को दिल से धन्यवाद कहना चाहूंगा जिन्होंने मेरे हिंदी विषय के सफर को इतना यादगार बनाया। मुझे हिंदी साहित्य और भाषा का महत्व बताया। मुझे गर्व हैं हिंदी भाषा पर। मेरे साथ-साथ आपसे जुड़े सभी शिष्यों को हमेशा आपका मार्ग दर्शन, प्रेम और आगे बढ़ने की प्रेरणा मिलती रहे।